
How to Care for Your Plants in Pots

sky-planterHave you made the wise decision to use pots and planters for your herbs, plants, shrubs, trees or floral selections? If so, you will need to care for them a bit differently than ones planted in the ground. To help you grow potted plants that are healthy, strong and gorgeous, here are some tips that will ensure you understand potted plant care.
Choose the Correct Planters
The kind of garden planter you use could make all the difference. Generally, Wall planters  are recommended for both indoor and outdoor greening decoration.Hanging planters are recommended for indoor decoration etc.
Choose the plants
Make “Right plant, right place” your motto. You must take into consideration the conditions of your space. Don’t try to grow a flower like a rose―which requires six hours of full sun―on a porch that gets only an hour in the early morning. Do your homework, ask for advice at the garden center, and determine which plants will thrive in the available sun or shade.When deciding what to buy, the simplest approach is to use one kind of plant per pot. If you choose to combine multiple types of plants, make sure they all like the same light and moisture conditions. Don’t put a cactus and a pansy together in one pot and expect them to get along.
Choose the Right Type of Soil
The type of soil you use to plant your container garden also plays a role in the vitality of your plants or flowers. You of course don’t want to use dirt or soil from the ground as it can be full of insects, weeds or fungi, so you should grab a few bags of potting soil mix from your local home improvement shop or gardening store. Most of these standard potting soils have already been blended with fertilizer, but you’ll need to do your research according to the type of vegetation you plan to plant. Top soil retains too much water which causes stress on the planter and may cause root problems or stress fractures in your planter. This is one of the most important considerations with potted plant care.
Prepare Your Pots for Planting
Besides choosing the best planters and the right kind of soil, the things you do before planting are vital to the performance of your grow. You’ll want to make sure you use a top quality planter liner and also make sure your pots offer adequate drainage for the type of plant they will contain.
Feed & Water Your Plants
Watering your plants if a must. While weekly watering can suffice during the rainy spring months, it’s recommended you water more frequently when summer arrives. Another general rule-of-thumb is hanging plants and small potted plants need to be watered more often and larger ones will do fine if watered once daily or every other day. Plants that grow in pots tend to require more fertilizer than those grown in the ground, so you may also want to consider feeding them a time-released fertilizer.
Trim or Prune When Needed
Cutting off dead leaves or unhealthy buds is essential for container gardening. The majority of leafy plants will prune themselves, but it will take time, so it’s easier to do it yourself using your garden tools. Keep in mind that most pruning should be performed following a strong bloom in order to give your plants room to breathe.
Caring for your potted plants isn’t as complicated as many believe. Some gardeners even feel that container gardening is more convenient than traditional gardening because you can move the pots and control the environment they are exposed to. If you plan on building your own container garden, you’ll want to check out our collection of garden containers, pots and planters. We carry an assortment of colors, sizes and shapes!More info,Please visit us at :china-aba.com or via info@jweimolding.com.

